
Shabes, the Seventh Day Image

Shabes, the Seventh Day

Shabes—⁠beginning Fridays at sundown and concluding Saturdays at nightfall—⁠is the Jewish Sabbath and the seventh day of the week, marking a day of rest and reflection. More than just a day of the week, Shabes is an essential part of the Jewish calendar and a core concept and principle in Jewish culture.

Remembering and observing the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments: “Guard the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Various ways to observe Shabes include eating festive meals with family and friends, going to synagogue, and taking a break from activities such as spending money and using technology. No other day or holiday is mentioned in the Ten Commandments.

It has been famously said: “More than the Jews have kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept the Jews.” This means, that having Shabes as a constant and key component of Jewish life is one of the reasons that the Jewish people have been able to sustain their communal identity over the centuries, even as they were scattered across different countries.